About the Book

9/11 and the Holy War, 21st Century Style

Answers and Questions: Al Cole Radio Interview, USA

Daisy Snow’s book 9/11 and the Holy War, 21st Century Style – Answers and Questions; Al Cole Radio Interview USA is really a summary of the important points in her book Matriarch and World War III – A 9/11 Incursion; Internal State Terrorism in Australia.  The arguments provided enlighten the public mind. World War III is really a collection of Civil Wars all around the world and that includes Coronavirus Warfare.

An opportunity popped up for Daisy to use her real name in Al Cole’s unsung hero, People of Distinction Talk Show. That is why Al Cole effectively nick-named the author, Daisy/Meret. Her real name, Meret-Field Sally-Brown, is the evidence she has provided that explains why it came about that she was one of those people in Melbourne who knew about 9/11 before it actually happened. 

Daisy’s books are written from a metaphysical perspective. The Koran is known to be a metaphysical book as is the Holy Bible. The logical perspective that politicians use does not explain anything. Daisy provides information in her books that go beyond what journalists can report in the media. That crucial evidence imparts knowledge about the cause of the world 21st Century crises that plague all nations.