About the Book

Matriarch and World War III

A 9/11 Incursion: Internal State Terrorism in Australia

Daisy Snow was compelled to write Matriarch and World War III – A 9/11 Incursion: Internal State Terrorism in Australia because of all the misinformation published in the media. Daisy was one of those people in Melbourne who knew about 9/11 before it happened.

America did not table a complaint that it had been attacked at a United Nations Meeting as is the correct procedure. The United Nations was therefore powerless.  It could not investigate. Notwithstanding that deception, the George Bush story is not convincing. Daisy’s book empowers the public with the necessary information it needs to understand global politics. Upheavals, disorder and civil wars are necessary in every country to allow the establishment of an administrative One-World Government.

The Holy War was no mistake. Islamic countries do not approve of the Western system of governance because of the social and political problems it entails. A military invasion of their countries became mandatory. Something big had to happen to thwart the public from objecting. Examples of Internal State Terrorism in Australia are used in Daisy’s book because the disadvantaged do not have a public voice. Australia is the testing ground.  Discord is necessary for the establishment of a One-World Government.